
 June 09


     Top video game school of France 

     Major in Game Design and Management recognized as
     the equivalent of a four-year Bachelor of Arts Degree in Digital
     Design from an accredited U.S. university

     President of the Student's Society

     •   Game Design
     •   Level Design
     •   Movie analysis
     •   Storytelling
     •   Ergonomics
     •   Sound design
     •   Video game history
     •   Management
     •   Intellectual property rights
     •   Applied English
     •   Conferences
     •   Internships
     •   1-week projects
     •   Final-year project
 Aug. 07
 May 07

Université Pierre Mendès-France

     Major in Economics and Management

     •   Economic analysis
     •   Macroeconomics
     •   Microeconomics
     •   Capital markets
     •   Accounting
     •   Social organization of work
     •   Economy history
     •   Applied English
     •   Complementary Japanese
     •   Psychological anthropology
     •   Conferences
 Oct. 04